Remaining reserve amount:


Product in Break : 2020 Topps WWE Fully Loaded 20-Box Case

Minimum Bid Increase : $5



Here at The Clubhouse we send ALL BREAK PARTICIPANTS a text message when the break is full. The text includes a link to watch LIVE and an approximate time for the break! No more trying to guess if a break has happened yet or not! All full breaks will break during our next live session (Break Schedule is posted on the Ticker Bar at the top of the page)

Final Bidding is now a 10 Minute Timer, that will reset to 30 Seconds with ANY BID in the final 30 Seconds!

In order to participate in Final Bidding, you must have placed a bid in the initial PYP phase! Once the Reserve Reaches $0 a Final Bidding Period will begin with a Countdown.

Every time ANY BID is placed during Final Bidding, the clock will reset to allow for continued bidding (and to eliminate sniping)


SKU: GB5791 Category:

Available Teams

Team Current Bid Your Bid
Team Current Bid Your Bid
Super Bowl Squares

Square 100, Square 68, Square 36, Square 4, Square 89, Square 57, Square 25, Square 78, Square 46, Square 14, Square 99, Square 67, Square 35, Square 3, Square 88, Square 56, Square 24, Square 77, Square 45, Square 13, Square 98, Square 66, Square 34, Square 2, Square 87, Square 55, Square 23, Square 76, Square 44, Square 12, Square 97, Square 65, Square 33, Square 1, Square 86, Square 54, Square 22, Square 75, Square 43, Square 11, Square 96, Square 64, Square 32, Square 85, Square 53, Square 21, Square 74, Square 42, Square 10, Square 95, Square 63, Square 31, Square 84, Square 52, Square 20, Square 73, Square 41, Square 9, Square 94, Square 62, Square 30, Square 83, Square 51, Square 19, Square 72, Square 40, Square 8, Square 93, Square 61, Square 29, Square 82, Square 50, Square 18, Square 71, Square 39, Square 7, Square 92, Square 60, Square 28, Square 81, Square 49, Square 17, Square 70, Square 38, Square 6, Square 91, Square 59, Square 27, Square 80, Square 48, Square 16, Square 69, Square 37, Square 5, Square 90, Square 58, Square 26, Square 79, Square 47, Square 15