Baseball Group Breaks

Join the longest running, fastest growing baseball card community in the world.

LIVE Box Breaks at 4 PM EST every weekday

Exclusive home of Pick Your Price breaks

Member benefits & active community

Array of sports cards

The Clubhouse is the longest running, fastest growing MLB Baseball Card community in the world. View our selection of new MLB Baseball Cards in our Group Breaks which are live every weekday at 4pm EST. At The Clubhouse we do baseball breaks every day that are affordable and a ton of fun. We rip everything from Flawless, National Treasures, Definitive & Transcendent to Series 1, Chrome & MORE!

Whether you are new to the hobby or looking for helpful MLB Group Break tips, we have your back at The Clubhouse. Reserve your spots today.

Why buy from us?

We strive for excellence



In this industry it is EASY to be duped by fly-by-night breakers. We shoot our members straight and are not afraid to answer any questions.


Fair Pricing

We leverage our over a decade of relationships in the industry to bring you pricing that cannot be touched by the average breaker.



We pursue excellence and quality at the highest levels possible. From sorting and shipping to maintaining our online community, we spare no expenses.



We do EVERYTHING for everyone to see. No products are opened off screen and no products come from 'gray market' sources.



We don't just sell the product. We are EXPERTS in the products we carry. We live this day in and day out. This is one of the most valuable aspects of becoming a member.



We have members who reflect the same qualities that we expect from ourselves. Respect, loyalty, comradery, and an appreciation for a fellow collector and investor.

Free Guide

How to buy sport cards